
Fourth Conference on Applied Mathematics and Scientific Computing

Organized by University of Zagreb, Department of Mathematics

June 19-24, 2005

  Brijuni island, Croatia

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  University of Zagreb

  Department of  Mathematics

 Phone: 385-1-4605738

 Fax:    385-1-4680335


 The aim of the Conference is the exchange of ideas, methods and problems between various disciplines of applied mathematics. Non mathematicians using mathematics as a tool are also encouraged to take part in the Conference. The first three conferences had a strong international flavor. The first two were held in Dubrovnik in 1999 (ApplMath99), 2001 (AMSC2001), and the third on Brijuni in 2003 (ApplMath03). Each one had a special topic, see the related web sites. Proceedings have been published by Dept. of Mathematics, Univ. of Zagreb (ApplMath99) and by Kluwer publishers (AMSC2001). 

During the ApplMath05 conference a special section will be devoted to the 70th  birthday  of  Professor Ibrahim Aganovic, founder and director of Applied Mathematics Group at Department of Mathematics, University of Zagreb.

Topics of the Conference:

List of Invited speakers (temporary): 

Registration and accommodation:

new.gif Conference proceedings:

Selected papers will be published in the Conference proceedings. The page limit for contributed papers is 10 pages. If more than 10 pages are required, please contact  the organizer. The limit does not apply to invited speakers.

Papers should be sent to the Conference Email address:
mailbox.gif (1210 bytes) , not later then October 31, 2005

The subject field in the mail should be "Paper, ApplMath05" .

The book of abstracts with the list of the participants can be downloaded here: BookOfAbstracts.pdf,

Important dates: 

Accommodation: March 1, 2005
Registration: April 30, 2005
Abstract submission:  May 15, 2005
Beginning of the conference and late registration: June 19, 2005
Manuscript submission: October 31, 2005

E. Marušić-Paloka, chairman

Organizing committee: Scientific Committee: 
E. Marušić-Paloka
Alain Bourgeat
M. Jurak
S. Čanić
J. Tambača
Z. Tutek
M. Marušić
L. Sopta
M. Rogina R. Scitovski
Z.Drmač K. Veselić
S. Marušić
A. Mikelić
S. Singer

Conference sponsors:

For all questions, please send an email to:

Last updated: July 15, 2005